Friday, April 23, 2010

long time...

I know it has been a long time since I posted an entry here, but my life hasn't been that great. 2 months after having my surgery I still feel pain, and now I am experiencing bladder issues, which will lead me to some sessions of physical therapy, which I really hope that will help me. I am struggling about the fact that I still don't have a job. I have been sending lots of resumes but till now, nothing. But I gotta be positive and believe that things happens for a reason, and that maybe I am still unemployed because I am healing, so be patient girl.
Other than that things are great, I have an awesome husband that supports me and encourages me to be strong and he is always by my side trying to cheer me up and making me laugh, I am so lucky to have him in my life. I am excited about meeting up with an adviser, hopefully I will be able to go back to school for another degree or just for a certificate, either way I will be happier to be engaged in learning something new in order to get a good job.
Don't know if anybody reads this, but if there is anybody out there I'd like to say "BE STRONG", life can be frustrated sometimes but it is for a reason, and never let anything take away your smile, because everything changes and nothing is permanent. So smile and lets get going.


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