Left Sao Paulo on Jan 25th, which was the B-day of the city 356 years old. Glad that I got to do a couple things with my brother and Marcela, also was able to see one of my friends. I was excited to see some old friends, that I didn't get the chance to see the on the past visit a year ago.
Everything went well on the airport and arriving in the US. We almost missed the flight in Dallas as we had to go through security again and the customs. We were the last ones to arrive in the plane.
Not our fault.
We got in Seattle and It was cold, I felt a bit different arriving here after spending a whole month in my beloved country, with all the sun, the beaches, the fruits, the food, the family and friends. I kinda felt out of place, but I was really happy to see my husband after so long. Wish I could stay in his arms for a while when we saw each other, but at the same time we were hungry and tired from the 18 hours flight.
Got home fill the air mattress with air, and tried to unpack my luggage. Was happy to see my cat as well, as missing her a lot.
They stayed here for 3 weeks, and we didn't stop a single day. Lots of trips to the mall, as they were planning about buying a couple things to take back home. We did a lot of tourist things, so they could either fall in love or hate Seattle, the first one happened :-)
I took both of them to Forks, so they could see some parts of the town where twilight was filmed, I think they enjoyed. We also went to Mount Baker to snowboard for the 1st time, was a great and at the same time frustrated experience, at least for me, since I was getting up only to fall the next moment while trying to stand on the board.
They ate at some fast food places, cause I thought they should try as we don't have that many in Brazil.
I think they got tired of sandwiches...lol
Lucas had a Starbucks coffee almost every day, as here we have one in almost every corner. They were able to spend Dan's B-day here, we went to game crazy and to a brewery to have lunch. Was an interesting day as Dan as always got a little drunk.
I am pretty sure they had a great time here, the only bad part of their trip was that they had to spend the day at the hospital because my surgery was scheduled for the 19th of February, and they were going to leave to Brazil on the next morning. Luckily the surgery went well, but I was upset that I wasn't able to drive them to the airport next morning. I was happy that Bob was able to take them to the airport. They got in Brazil safely and the flight was on time.
Yeah, that sure made my day!
Missing Lucas already.