Woke up early in the morning, if I could say that I have got any sleep the night before. I had to do a bowel preparation around noon which was one of the most awful things that I've ever been through. The hardest part was to drink the whole bottle of magnesium citrate, and a little after that I was going to the bathroom non-stop, totally frustrated, but I had to do in case the doctor happen to find some endometriosis on my bowel.
We had to drive about 1 hour to get to the hospital, since the doctor that I chose performs the surgery in Tacoma, I had chosen her based on a friend experience, and since she is an specialist that made me really happy.
Got there, I had to change my clothes to that blue thing that shows your butt, what could I do. I've never had gone through any surgery before, so I have to tell you I was freaking out.
The staff was really good, very friendly and professional. They got me a blanket and in bed I was just waiting for them to come pick me up after having to answer to so many questions about my healthy. The anesthesiologist came in and gave me a little something to calm me down, the doctor showed up to say hi and to talk to my husband, and then was time for me to go. I said bye to my hubby in tears of course, my nephew and cousin was there I gave each one a kiss and a hug and they took me to the operating room. When I got there they gave me the anesthesia and I was out.
The procedure took almost 3 hours, as I had a lot of endometriosis and also 2 fibroid s on my uterus. When I came back I was at the recovering room, feeling dizzy and weird but other than that I was okay. I was happy to be back to the world. They took me to the room where I could see my family. The doctor showed up to talk to me and to give me the pics from the surgery. She told me that I should try to empty my bladder to make sure it was functioning alright. Off to the bathroom I went, Aline helped me out. I was able to pee, and when O got back to the room they told me that that was really good and if I was hungry. I was so happy that I was going to be able to eat after having only liquids the day before and nothing after midnight, it was already 3pm. I ordered my meal and ate really well, they were all happy to see me like that and after some tests they sent me home.
The ride back home was really painful and so was to get in and out of the car. Got home and went straight to bed. Because of the drugs was not hard to fall sleep, the difficult part was to find a better position that wouldn't hurt me. Had to got up a couple times to pee through the night, I was lucky to have my husband there to help me out.